Our Extenstions
At KiwiCommerce, Our motto is to expand our capabilities, offer the best #eCommerce solutions for our clients and heartily contribute to the #Magento community. We really live by these statements and we’re proud to be able to say that our contributions to the Magento community have gained us a Magento Master status!
Magento 2 Free admin utility extensions
As well as supporting and contributing to Magento’s development as a whole, our teams have created six new Magento extensions that help improve online store management, following the identification of specific areas where improvements or changes would be useful for the majority of users. These extensions have been downloaded over 6,000 times to date and the best part is, we give these away completely free to anybody who can benefit from them!
Our free Magento Extenstions
Explore our “Admin Utility” Magento 2 extensions, which were built in order to make daily admin panel operation easier for store owners and developers. All our Magento 2 extensions follow PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standards and are well tested on both Magento 2 Community and Enterprise editions. As an eCommerce administrator, our free Magento 2 extensions could really benefit you. View them below.

Our Free Magento Extensions
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Cron Scheduler
Find all executed, running and scheduled store crons with all of the necessary information on a single dashboard. You can also be notified in case of errors.
Login As Customer
This extension allows you to login as a customer without a password or authentication data manipulation. Enable the extension and start easily viewing your site as a customer.
Inventory Log
Keep a log of product inventory on every single transaction. View details of product import, order placed, insert/update operation through queries and a whole lot more.
Enhanced SMTP
Enhanced SMTP lets you send all store emails through pre-defined SMTP servers. Keep track of every single email along with it’s status and clear logs after a specified time.
Admin Activity
Track backend page visit history and easily track all admin activities. Log fields that have been changed from the backend and have the option to revert back.
Customer Password
This extension allows administrators to change a customer’s password under a customer’s account from the backend and the CLI without email confirmation.

Magento certified experts, plus a Magento Master (this is an elite recognition from Magento for helping the Magento community)

Years of eCommerce experience

Successful WooCommerce, Shopify & Magento projects

Your targets become our targets. We design our strategies to help you reach your business goals

World class work quality, problem solving and ongoing support

Innovation, honesty, quality & transparency – our core values